Arrive Logistics: The Value of Investing in Employees

Austin, TXCase Study


Arrive Logistics is a multimodal transportation and technology company providing strategic solutions for both shippers and carriers. They are one of the fastest-growing freight brokerages in the nation, with exponential growth in both size and revenue each year. Arrive’s greatest asset is its people. Investing in employees is what allows them to serve the distinct needs of their shippers and carriers — so they provide training, mentorship, opportunities for growth, and a company culture you won’t find anywhere else.

Arrive was once a 10-person team in a small office in Austin, TX and is now an organization of more than 1,000 world-class problem solvers working out of Austin and Chicago.

  • 2021 Top Places to Work: Austin American Statesman
  • 2021 Built in Austin Best Workplace

Many Arrive employees work hybrid schedules and there are not convenient food options close to the Arrive location. Partnering with Mcliff solves these challenges for employees. In addition, employee wellbeing is an important part of Arrive’s culture. The variety of fresh and healthy foods that Mcliff can provide empowers employees to make healthy snack and meal choices at work regardless of the time of day.


Arrive partners with Mcliff to provide Self-Service Markets as a 24/7 source of on-site refreshment at no cost to their organization. Customizable selections include fresh and healthy options as well as traditional favorites, all at the employees’ fingertips. One of the many ways that Arrive shows appreciation for employees, is by ensuring they have access to their favorite food and beverages on-site.

Some of the employee favorites are:

  • Celsius water
  • Energy drinks
  • Specialty chips
  • Sausage wraps

Mcliff also provides vending services next to the gym at the other end of the Arrive facilities from the markets. The high-tech self-serve market kiosks and vending machines allow Mcliff to remotely monitor inventory, maintenance, and payment systems to ensure Arrive’s machines are well stocked and working smoothly. This is another opportunity for Arrive to provide for employees without incurring additional cost to the business.

Ready to learn more about our self-serve markets and vending services? Contact us for a free consultation.

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