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Get In Touch

Call us at (877) 320-2840 or fill out the form below:


We are here to answer! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to get started.

Ultimately Mcliff serves the people looking for refreshment. We believe in delivering only the freshest food with the best possible customer experience. Our passion is to provide this service to your employees or customers with ZERO hassle to the business owner.

Mcliff has more than 50 years of experience delivering the highest level of customer service. When you are looking for refreshment services, you can count on Mcliff to DELIVER.

We provide fully customizable vending, self service markets, and office coffee services in these markets and surrounding areas: Austin, Dallas, Ft Worth, El Paso, Houston, Killeen and Temple, San Antonio, Waco, and Las Cruces New Mexico.

Mcliff Coffee + Vending utilizes Vendwatch Telematics SmartPad-based Handheld reporting devices to upload every visit, record sales, and track inventory and product restocking providing accurate sales reporting. This data assists in efficient and timely route scheduling and assures the appropriate inventory is in stock.

Our decades of combined experience and customer commitment allows us to provide customized services to manufacturing, warehouse, distribution and transportation, municipal governments, public transportation and airports, colleges and universities, military bases, retail centers, call centers and office environments among others. Ask our customers about our personalized service and you will quickly see the difference. We realize you have a choice in your refreshment provider, let us show you the difference with the service you deserve.

Our Service Areas

204 West Powell Lane, Bldg. 4
Austin, Texas 78753
(512) 441-8424
(512) 334-0198-Fax

1820 High Prairie Road
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
(817) 640-1791
(817) 649-2903-Fax

10816 Notus Lane
El Paso, Texas 79935
(915) 598-1230
(915) 598-2107-Fax

10196 Fairbanks N Houston
Houston, Texas 77064
(713) 975-6359
(713) 975-6525-Fax

5807 Rittiman Plaza, Suite 103
San Antonio, Texas 78218
(210) 227-2222
(210) 227-0021-Fax