Avanzar: Why MiMart Micro Markets are Essential for Businesses Located in Rural Areas

Case StudySan Antonio, TX

Challenge – Geographical Separation From Food

Avanzar Interior Technologies, a manufacturer of automotive interiors located in rural South San Antonio, needed a way to keep its five hundred employees happy, healthy, and productive because there are almost no food options nearby, leading to several problems.

First, if an employee forgot their lunch at home, the only option for food (besides one Subway sandwich restaurant) is close to twenty minutes away or the limited junk food vending machines available before the micro market was installed. Leaving the plant for lunch requires an extended lunch period, which would limit productivity and cause the employee to spend money on gas.

On top of Avanzar’s rural location, their previous cafeteria-style food services were overpriced which caused underutilization.

When Avanzar switched to traditional vending machines, their vendor didn’t have the ability to provide actual meals such as salads, sandwiches, and entrees. Additionally, their old vending service was unable to restock the machines multiple times per day, which usually left the machines lacking the employees favorite items.

The combination of overpriced and underutilized food services, limiting employees to snack items only, and a lack of restocking led Avanzar to seek a new vendor to feed its hungry workforce.

Solution – Create a Food Oasis and Add Excellent Customer Service

Mcliff got to work and revitalized the cafeteria into a well-stocked eating area filled with high-quality food and drinks.

Mcliff installed its MiMart micro market and coffee services. MiMarts are open 24/7, utilize easy payment options, and offer employees a wide range of items including:

  • Entrees
  • Salads
  • Sandwiches
  • All types of drinks
  • Snacks
  • Breakfast items

Mcliff’s coffee services were also an easy decision for Avanzar because its employees work hard and enjoy coffee throughout the day and night. Mcliff’s coffee services installed at Avanzar included large capacity drip coffee makers to keep the large workforce satisfied.

Avanzar benefitted from Mcliff’s just-in-time restocking plan. Mary Villarreal (Mcliff’s San Antonio Regional Representative) ensures everything at Avanzar runs smoothly. She oversees multiple restocks per day, tailors the menu items to local tastes, and even takes requests for new items not currently offered. Mary is integral to keeping Avanzar’s break room stocked and its five hundred employees happy, energetic, and nourished.

Results – Happy Employees, Reduced Stress, and No Added Costs

  • Employees don’t have to bring a lunch with them every day. They can skip days if they run out of food at home and still get a convenient, high-quality meal at work, thanks to Mcliff.
  • Employees experience less stress if they happen to forget their lunch at home. They don’t have to worry about driving off-site, wasting gas, or possibly skipping lunch altogether.
  • There are no added costs to the business and prices are affordable for employees.

Richard Niño
Foam Maintenance Department Production Team Member

“I think that there’s a pretty good selection. I also like that they keep it pretty stocked up. I also like the fact that they have the little key tags where you can put cash onto it. I like that and it’s pretty convenient. It’s really convenient.”

Ida Garcia
HR Admin

“For the salary staff when you know something comes up if they don’t have time to go to lunch [they don’t have to worry].”

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